Southern Fried DNN: DNN Summit 2022 Recap + Community Project Highlights

Feb 17, 2022


This month, we'll be recapping DNN Summit 2022 and then we'll take some time to highlight a few exciting community projects. Trust us, they are worth knowing about and getting involved with!


This week's Southern Fried DNN is everyone's chance to catch up on DNN, tooling, conferences, community buzz, and more! Please be sure to join us in person or online!



• Welcome

• Sponsor Recognition

• Community Buzz & Announcements

• DNN Summit 2022 Recap

• Community Project Highlights

• Social Time!


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Even though our DNN user group is nestled in the Carolinas, we are really YOUR DNN User Group regardless of your Southern heritage or lack thereof. Everyone is invited to attend in person or to join us online! We always try to broadcast the meeting so everyone can participate. Register now for the online meeting details for those of you wanting to join online.


0:05 good evening everyone welcome to the february 17
0:10 edition of the southern fried dnn user group we are coming to you here at the very end of february always the third
0:17 thursday of every month uh but we have just finished off last week
0:22 bnn summit the premier user group conference an event that we helped put
0:29 on every year and enjoy seeing many of the dna community come together both to
0:34 present content and concepts and exciting ideas but also connect with a bunch of new
0:40 people who we haven't run across before and talk about how we love cnn and those types of things and that's one thing
0:47 we're going to do tonight is we're going to do a little recap of things that we saw and learned and
0:52 some of the things that came out of dnn summit and we'll be doing that first off uh tonight
0:58 and then we'll be going over to talk a little bit uh about community projects and highlights david poindexter will be
1:04 running through that and i believe that you and daniel have things to run through right
1:10 yes sir and then we're going to open it up for some other highlights the other people might have as well
1:16 that sounds good that sounds good um well then uh just to uh you know jump
1:22 into it uh we do what a couple of other things uh sponsor recognition and community buzz i
1:29 kind of feel like there's not a lot of additional community buzz out there right now other than
1:34 what we just finished doing which was dnn summit that kind of sucks a lot of the time and the events
1:41 uh energy out of the community uh focusing into that for a week um
1:47 is there anything that we should mention for community buzz that isn't from dna summit [Music]
1:55 giving you some community buzz there to talk about man come on absolutely there's a lot of people here with the
2:01 buzz um there are things around uh you know we will talk about a couple of different
2:06 things but you know one of the items that will stroll posted towards the end of the conference was another uh bounty
2:13 suggestion from about posting blog posts and posting
2:19 information out on the site that's something that was done around christmas time and had a couple of uh blog posts
2:25 and things come out it's a very nice suggestion that's being sponsored by
2:31 both will stroll and upendo ventures and david poindexter and envisionated to
2:36 kind of help get some new blog posts out there if you're
2:41 interested in doing it or thought about doing it before this could be a thing that helps spread on for you
2:50 all right then uh daniel uh vladis is wearing the shirt uh from the dnn summit from
2:57 last year or the year before two years ago yeah
3:02 we were all there just recently let's uh let's go ahead and dive into it for a recap of dnn summit 2022
3:09 um i'll start off by mentioning that uh you know this year the system uh was the
3:14 same we were in the hop in platform and uh it was very nice to see that the hop-in platform had a few improvements
3:21 uh compared to the platform that we used last year which was just out of beta it was just fresh
3:28 maybe the first year being used there was some polish there's some additional items and elements that were there uh
3:34 one very nice feature is that all of the sessions were automatically recorded
3:40 uh so if you did uh pay for a ticket then we're part of cnn summit uh both later in the evening
3:48 you could go back and watch those videos um you know we had four sessions going on
3:53 at every point in time that there were sessions blocks um and you can only be in one at a time so
3:59 it's very nice that you could finish off your day by going back and catching uh you know one or two of the ones that you
4:04 missed and though there was a little snafu towards the end of the summit uh with
4:10 releasing those or getting access to those from hop in um in an easy method that was worked out
4:16 and now those videos are posted so if you attended the conference you do have a link uh so that you can get back
4:23 to those videos and watch them um to both you know just go through the things
4:28 you went through before but also go through anything else that you missed and uh pick up that good uh session
4:33 content uh information um i thought uh to kind of uh you know
4:39 kick off the recap i would walk through a couple of screenshots and talk just a little bit
4:44 about some things there to begin with i will mention that we had our primary
4:51 six gold sponsors that were present throughout the conference
4:57 both in promotion through the conference but if they wanted they could also have a special booth or a session that went
5:05 along with their sponsorship so several other sponsors had booths where you could stop in and talk and hang out
5:12 with them and ask questions um previous years it was almost used as a
5:17 hey i've got you for 10 minutes what's a question you know can i help you answer a question and people were
5:22 going through with questions uh this year was a bit more informal uh i only got to hang out in in one or two booths
5:29 for a few minutes uh david or daniel cheryl did you hang out in booths they
5:34 seem to be much more of a hangout this year and it was conversation and jokes and actually literally jokes one session or
5:41 one booth we were all telling and trading jokes back and forth um uh you guys have some um you know
5:48 highlights or thoughts from the booth that you hung out with with sponsors
5:55 yeah i just dropped by a couple of the booths and talked to uh i think
6:01 cassidy um [Music] i talked to will stroll in his booth a
6:06 little bit just dropped in and talked for a few minutes it was really fun i went to hang out in
6:12 some of the other sponsors booths uh for a little bit and hang out with cassidy in the 10 pound gorilla booth i hung out
6:19 with will in the pindo ventures booth and she got to talk with chris hammond i
6:25 think uh it was in will's booth that was that was cool hanging out with him for a bit
6:31 we had a few people drop in our booth and hang out and ask them questions i met some new people that i had never met
6:36 before in the community and really interesting roles that they're in in the
6:42 way that they use dnn and so forth so that was really fun i don't know if you're going to talk
6:47 about the sessions but uh i do have something to say about those sponsor sessions
6:54 oh go ahead for the sponsor sessions yeah i i really enjoyed that that was actually a slot this year um i was
7:01 impressed with actually every now one i didn't get to see yet because it was at the same time as ours but
7:08 the other one i kind of bounced back and forth between their two sessions and it was really cool because it wasn't you
7:15 know like a hey look what we do or what we can offer yeah it wasn't a sales kind of thing it was
7:22 more of hey here's we've had years of experience doing this or that and here's
7:28 a way that it can help you and you know you can apply these things to yours i really enjoyed doing ours because it
7:34 gave us a chance to share some things that people may not know about you know us and kind of how we
7:41 think about with things it was really nice because i think that could be helpful to to a lot of people you know
7:46 regardless of whether or not they want to leverage our services for anything so i was really glad that was not an
7:53 intentional thing this year yeah yeah yeah i agree and i think it's something that we haven't exactly had
7:59 like that before um maybe a little concerned that it's going to be sales pitchy and it it just wasn't but you
8:06 know these sponsors are all here to help and be involved they are business people they need support uh they need new
8:12 clients and projects but at the end of the day they're we're all in the same dna community and they want to help
8:18 people and they want to learn and participate so i feel like the sessions were the sponsor sessions were uh a good
8:24 representation of that um to your point i enjoyed the i'm
8:30 moderating was in the one for uh 10 pound gorilla and you'll notice through the sessions that
8:36 were happening through both days there were multiple different 10 pound gorilla people giving different sessions um
8:42 advertising and marketing versus skin versus seo and ada compliance type
8:48 things so they pulled from all their different sessions two tips or maybe three tips from each
8:54 one and they made the top 10 tips from denmark and it was really like a little window of the different sessions that uh
9:02 that they had and i thought that was pretty cool that was very creative
9:07 um so you know i'm just gonna kind of go through and talk about some of the different sessions that i remember and
9:13 uh you know thought something about um and what i'd like to kind of open it up to uh all of us here online is just to
9:20 share some of the things that we might have learned or remembered or got presented from from the different uh
9:27 speakers that were uh there for two days we had multiple uh
9:33 session blocks throughout the days and there were like i said four sessions per block uh so we ended up having a large
9:39 volume of content um a lot of the people who were putting that content together
9:44 and presenting it are the people that we've heard from here at southern pride they're the people that we know
9:50 um and enjoy getting to connect with but sometimes they're presenting new content or they're presenting new things that we
9:57 um you know don't have the time to or we're focusing on one thing this was an hour where we could really get into there for
10:04 for a deep dive one of the things that i'll mention is that
10:10 you know from a security standpoint and a dnn performance or optimization standpoint
10:17 i'm always interested whenever i can sit in on a session with mitch sellers and um
10:22 i know a lot of the things that he's going to say because i've listened to past sessions he's had so i'm paying close attention taking notes with a
10:28 notepad but one of the takeaways uh that i grabbed as new
10:34 information that i maybe suspected but hadn't ever confirmed or haven't had never tested but um
10:41 did see that he um said that for a for a security footprint
10:47 uh of your dnn instances uh that he recommends now uh that we remove or
10:53 rename and get rid of two folders in our running
10:58 dnn instances and that is the documents folder and the license folder those are
11:04 necessary when you're doing the install they're part of the package that gets delivered and installed but just to help
11:10 in reducing the identification of your site as dnn he recommended removing the
11:16 documents folder and the licenses folder uh from the dnn route and i thought you know i didn't come here looking for new
11:22 tips or new items that i've never heard before but there we go two new items i'm gonna put that down into my list now
11:29 um how about everyone else you have some memories of things that you uh ran
11:35 across or heard knew or uh you know appreciated uh having a speaker present
11:40 to you and welcome to helene and jeremy i just came on and john i didn't say hi earlier
11:46 but good to see you
11:51 yeah so i haven't watched all the recorded sessions yet and i was presenting two so uh there were some of
11:58 them that had conflict with mine but i really appreciated the uh mitch's presentation about uh
12:05 performance and security was very interesting i liked the ux
12:10 presentations also as a developer it's fun to see a perspective from more
12:15 of a from a user perspective to refund prompt session that i saw was
12:22 interesting also i have to play with this more was uh very interesting
12:31 i enjoyed uh there was of course we use structure content a lot you know for too sexy stuff aaron lopez had a session on
12:42 doing mega menu with um 206c and it was really nice to
12:48 kind of see that creative use of doing it and it provided a way for
12:54 administrators to manage the content inside of their mega menu it's really cool creative way to to handle that
13:04 what session of his was that in i want to go watch that yeah that was the uh it
13:09 has mega menu in the in the title um but it's aaron lopez yeah i'm just looking
13:15 for his his photo and his uh his gray hair yeah
13:33 uh aaron joined me on uh dean in jeopardy i put the call out early in uh
13:38 summit to ask who wanted to sit in and participate with uh dnn summit uh helene
13:44 was a good sport and came and joined us there too um we had we had several
13:49 people come on and had a lot of fun with that that's uh you know something that we may
13:54 put out in some other way uh if we have a open spot in uh so fry we might play
14:00 that game again but i always enjoy putting those together had a couple of people ask me how i keep coming up with
14:06 questions and it is hard so if if you think about questions sometimes you think hey that'd be a good question pass
14:11 it to me i'm sure i'll use it again in the future that was actually um really great to
14:17 participate in um i've because i don't know too much about the logo for nate and the question came up
14:24 from where which folder to least uh do you know so from that and obviously my disastrous
14:30 answer on it but um learn you know learn a little bit more about it so we can research oh what is that what is you
14:37 know how does it all work so yeah it's got a bit of a takeaway from that yeah it was good
14:42 fun that's a fantastic outcome i love that yeah yeah
14:48 now that's a true growth mentality right there i love it [Laughter]
14:53 oh yes no but yeah i can even going back to look at some of
14:59 the questions it is um you know i think they were quite really well put together and i've obviously never played jeopardy
15:06 before so you know it was quite fun [Laughter] but um also um just existed you were
15:13 talking about the mega menu um presentation that um aaron did yes i did i do find um has
15:20 been this is just been really really great to watch um especially around tailwind as well and that's something
15:26 that i'd like to learn a little bit more more about um also you know how to actually use that within at the end you
15:34 know get it developed into a dnn theme how to package it up and then use it in
15:40 our sites so that's something i'd like to learn more
15:46 i mean we're working on it on an envy quick theme for tailwind oh i hear that's exciting
15:54 the quick wind be quick wind
16:00 tailwind is one thing but watching aaron do tailwind is especially rewarding
16:07 i like it when he's fumbling you know through it uh that's really fun i'm just kidding he's so fast at it and he like
16:15 design thinks on the fly it's really impressive
16:21 it sounds like he's our mvp for presenter at uh at summit because uh i think everybody enjoyed them i
16:28 uh moderated one of his first ones uh or sat in on one of his first ones and enjoyed that too i know i really enjoyed
16:33 it daniel valada's sessions too actually both of his sessions were really good
16:39 one on web components and uh the other one on the on the template
16:44 system is really really nice it was great but um you know i showed up
16:51 thinking it was web components and halfway through they changed the title and it was included in slowly the slides
17:00 but it was all right i was interested in web api too so it was awesome yeah in the recording template it was web api
17:06 sorry actually
17:15 well uh any other thoughts or things that you learned or appreciated about this year's dnn summits maybe things
17:20 were different or unique from last year's comparison i was a little disappointed in the
17:27 networking feature it didn't seem to work um i don't know maybe i was doing it wrong
17:34 but i went in several times and it would just spin say it was waiting do nothing
17:39 personally yeah yeah on screen i have the hop-in interface and i think jeremy
17:46 that's one of the big things is that last year the first year we used hop-in i think everyone was testing or trying
17:53 different things a little more or maybe we weren't exhausted from yet
17:58 another year of covid so i feel like although everyone enjoyed
18:04 the sessions and everyone participated in communications and chats some of the networking get to know other people you
18:11 don't know features like networking um i think those fell by the wayside they either weren't used very much or perhaps
18:17 in the interface they weren't working correctly because like david i went in several times and
18:22 just left it open while i was doing something no one came in um that's how it does it is it waits for
18:28 people to come into the waiting room and then it does like i don't know um
18:37 you know and taking your point if they're open to suggestions um next time if there's a significant virtual
18:43 component to it and especially hop in i think they should plan to have
18:49 sessions that are nothing but show up in chat and here's the one or two topics of choice because i would
18:56 definitely do that but i i'm not as likely to click on that networking thing and go face to face with just one person
19:03 you know right and maybe that oh my gosh
19:13 you know along that line uh a i both suggested something like that to hop in but yeah um jeremy just in the uh you
19:20 know the summit board that's part of what we were talking about is maybe allocating some specific blocked off time to do
19:27 networking and yeah to have people get together think about last year remember how much fun it was a
19:33 whole bunch of people stayed at the end i missed the end this year so maybe it happened again but my god that there was
19:39 like 50 or so people in the room and it was a great time uh when it ended last year
19:46 it was really a high note for me anyhow
19:52 yeah it happened this time but it wasn't as many people and maybe not as lively because you weren't there jeremy
19:58 all right it was because i wasn't there i know i know i hear you yeah so sorry so in the interface i have on
20:05 screen we kind of have some of the things that are there and i'll point out that you know there's that networking part like we were talking about the
20:11 expos the boots area where you can go see uh the different sponsor boots there was a lot
20:17 of hanging out in sponsor sponsor booths um will stroll did go to las vegas and
20:22 so he was both on location and people coming in and out of his room and having an online booth
20:29 that replay was a button for the videos but i will point out that you know that
20:34 you know during some of the times this was a screenshot from the keynote uh we had 140 to 150 people online during
20:41 those different things so it kind of it definitely started off strong with a lot of people in for content and then when
20:48 it did finish jeremy um we uh we're kind of wrapping things up and
20:53 everyone was chatting and having a good time in the chat and we finished by bringing in ron miles
20:59 uh dnn summit yeti songs uh so we uh we put both of
21:05 those on the air and that was a lot of fun and i'll say the same thing i said last
21:10 year i feel like we lost a little bit of momentum i really think this type of thing would be better every
21:16 six months at least just me well that's what we do here this is the
21:23 every month whoa doesn't have to organize it right
21:33 all right jeremy's the yard of good point mini summit the intra summit uh that we have between
21:42 not a terrible idea well um you know we we know that we will
21:47 have one next year um over the next several weeks we're putting together meetings to talk about timeline and
21:54 um presence and where it's going to be and how it's going to be we continue to see that
22:00 online has a large proponent of people participating and active
22:07 i think that in person has another group of people i think it's interesting that with
22:13 different kinds of organizations like this when they have events when you have more events you have more
22:18 different people show up you don't just split the group that you have and i feel that's going to be the case when we when
22:24 we start talking about seriously switching from uh virtual only to in-person only or
22:30 in-person and virtual still hybrid i think that every time we have the
22:36 dnn summit we get a new group of people easily 25 to you know 40 percent of
22:42 people are brand new first time never been to a dean and summit before uh
22:47 audience so we'll always have a group of new people regardless of whether we hit us uh you know hit las vegas next year
22:55 and try to be in person there again or whether we decide to do virtual one more year but that's that's all being decided
23:01 here over the next several weeks one thing i'd just like to point out is
23:07 i didn't realize it was happening um i
23:13 just looked back and i don't have anything with since 1999.
23:20 i did get an email from managed and man beeps uh
23:26 talking about this conference but i was on vacation and not processing emails
23:31 efficiently but two emails wasn't enough and i don't
23:36 love to be on lots of email lists but still i would have thought i would have wound up getting a little more
23:42 information so something from somewhere it's good that it came from uh sponsors and from some
23:48 of the people who were helping promote the events though that it's good that you've got something for sure yeah wow yep you know
23:56 conference absolutely accidentally unsubscribed from the list uh because they did the organization did send out
24:02 quite a few um emails over the period of yeah i got i
24:08 got a lot of emails so from or something else
24:13 from oh okay
24:18 yeah um that's a good point if the community uh website has a list to send from there
24:25 yeah now we have the opposite problem we need to take down the marketing and advertising this at lots of places like
24:32 uh dean and corporates still has a riding banner uh dean and community still has our riding banner up
24:38 there uh we've got uh we've got a few places we've got to bring it down from
24:44 yeah i don't think i've ever signed up at dnn summit so okay yeah yeah
24:52 uh all right well um now we uh kind of move into some more community-related
24:58 things if we were talking about the community conference the one that is put on you know for the community by the
25:04 community and dnn summit we now talk about the the actual things that matter to dnn from the community
25:12 we've got community project highlights and i'll pass it screen share and uh material
25:18 over to you uh david and
25:25 might help if i unmute huh did i share the screen right yep we're
25:31 on your screen you're sanding in summit yeah oh okay good good good okay yeah i don't
25:37 see the little green box around it for whatever reason so it was a little weird
25:43 um so there's a few things that i wanted to take the opportunity to highlight
25:50 you know in a community as large as the dna community sometimes it's easy to miss
25:56 details about things you know just like john was saying you know didn't even realize there was an event going on or
26:01 whatever you know i mean it's just easy to miss things because there's always so much going on in different mediums and
26:07 and so forth so maybe mentioned some of these things before in passing you know in various
26:13 meetings or in meetups like the southern fried dna meetup but um and maybe even from you know other
26:21 other venues and conferences and stuff like that but unless you were literally there or watching the chat or
26:26 you were in the slack group that we were talking about it or something like that it's really easy to kind of kind of miss
26:32 some details so i wanted to highlight um three specific projects that
26:39 they're they're different but they're connected and they're connected in cool ways
26:44 so there's multiple reasons to to really highlight these
26:49 one they're all related to dnn platform eventually in some shape form or fashion
26:55 so it it's good to know what is potentially coming you know in the future
27:02 as it relates to dnn platform the other reason is is there's just some really
27:08 cool things that are happening one because of community managers that are willing to give of their time and
27:15 efforts to really do these type of projects because they're not trivial
27:21 by any means and we're talking about you know hours upon hours and hours and hours of you know working on these
27:27 things some of it's really fun but some of it's not so fun you know
27:32 when it gets to the into the nitty-gritty details of some of these things so that's another purpose for
27:38 sharing this just to highlight some of the community members that are working on these the third reason is because
27:45 i wanted to show the power of sponsorship um
27:50 ryan mentioned earlier about um i can't remember if we were on air at that point or if we weren't but um
27:58 you were talking about something that you had well actually you're going to talk about it here at the end i think just a little bit yeah i'll towards the
28:04 end i'll be trying to grab some excitement about it yeah but in passing he was mentioning something about you know
28:10 something that he and his company have recently uh tried to help sponsor and you know and some of the cool things
28:16 that are happening from that so you know just bringing awareness that a lot of people might not even know that you can
28:21 even do this type of thing i know we've talked about it in other mediums but again this is just kind of be purposeful
28:27 and talk about these things so the first thing that i wanted to highlight here and daniel
28:34 valadis is going to help me with some of this because he is involved in it um
28:39 there has been an initiative for i don't know how long has this been going on uh daniel for maybe a little over a year
28:47 now maybe a year and a half or so that you've been working on some of these
28:52 it's been it's been at least two years i mean if you click on the commits and you go to
28:57 the last page you should get a clue yeah it's a good point um
29:02 a long time so that's that's that's that's that's the point i can dig for it
29:08 see if i can get to the end here real quickly i think it's going to take a little while i'll do older older
29:14 wow it has been a long time
29:20 a really long time okay so while i'm trying to get to the end i'll i'll go ahead and start talking a little
29:27 bit about this project what this project is it just recently showed up on the dnn community github
29:34 org and up until this happened just a few days ago daniel
29:40 was able to get it moved over to the dna community or on github just to get a little bit more visibility because it's
29:46 now to the point where it's a lot easier for people to to look at it and understand a
29:51 little bit more about what it's about and why it's important and so forth so it's really just seemed like the right
29:57 time to kind of bring it to light but it's been in uh one of his repos for for
30:04 time you know for that two years and a half two and a half years wow so
30:09 the the way that this project started was there is a desire
30:15 among the technology group to
30:20 try to remove as many external dependencies to dnn platform as possible
30:28 and the things that we're kind of talking about are things that are you know like
30:34 an example of a dependency would be if you were building a theme and you were
30:40 relying on a css framework like bootstrap or tailwind css that would be
30:46 a dependency that you're bringing into your project something like that's much easier to
30:53 manage when it's on a single project for you know a single solution for a single
30:59 project and so forth and it's there as a tool to help you get to the solution a
31:04 whole lot quicker and maintaining it's not that difficult because you're just kind of
31:09 keeping things going along chances are you're going to build a website that client's going to not really maintain it
31:16 moving forward if they do it's not going to be a ton of work to maintain bootstrap's dependency or tailwind's
31:22 dependency on it so it's it's a little bit easier in that regard but when you get to a project of
31:28 the scale and magnitude of dnm platform all these little dependencies
31:34 some of them are interdependent on other dependencies and all this and it becomes astronomically
31:41 difficult and complex to maintain these dependencies some examples of where we get into you know dependency
31:48 problems or like the persona bar for instance if most of it's built using react
31:55 react is a framework you know for javascript essentially right
32:00 to be able to build these components that are that you see in the persona bar
32:07 modules and i don't want to talk too long about this but i really want to set this set
32:12 the stage for what this is all about anytime react bumps up which is all the
32:18 time like it's every other day there's a new release of react and there's a tons
32:23 of other dependencies that go along with some of these modules well it's not as simple as just bumping
32:29 a version number ending in platform right daniel i mean sometimes it is
32:34 we're talking about hours and hours and hours of work just to bump up to the next minor version much less a major
32:40 version we went through an effort i guess probably what three years ago
32:45 now or so where it bumped a major version of react and it took three of us
32:51 working multiple weeks to try to just get through the mess that
32:57 that caused and the yeah because it had not been maintained well for a long time and we really
33:02 needed to get get things moving forward and honestly if we're being really honest we're still
33:08 not doing a great job at you know maintaining those dependencies is just a lot of work
33:14 so sorry to bring all that full circle the reason that this come about is the desire to remove some of those
33:21 dependencies and something that is i mean relatively new over the last five
33:26 years four or five years is this concept of web components and you've probably heard people talking about it but web
33:32 components are part of and we that's kind of loosely and generically used a lot of times to
33:38 describe things like custom elements which are really just custom html tags
33:45 you know so just like you use an image tag in html you could use custom dash
33:50 image and you could have a custom image element you know that you can use just like html
33:57 and the desire to really build web components that could then
34:03 eventually start replacing some of these other components that are more
34:09 framework dependent like react components and things like that or web forms type
34:15 solutions that are really tied to the um to the def framework you know there's
34:22 there's ways that you can do it from a pure html standpoint so web components are standards based
34:28 they're part of the html spec it's not something that you have to go
34:34 and pull in some library or some framework to be able to leverage web components it's just html and javascript
34:41 and css so this project was birthed out of that desire to help remove some of these
34:48 dependencies moving forward so enough about that i just wanted to kind of set the stage for what this is so this is a
34:54 collection or a library if you will not in the sense of a dependency but a
34:59 library is a collection of components that'll eventually be able to be used well actually can already be
35:06 used if you wanted to in your own projects but eventually they will be used in dnn to start replacing some of
35:13 these things so let me pull up a demo site if you guys see the consumers here or because of the
35:21 move they disappeared i think we have to go to npm to see the consumers of this wouldn't we it used to
35:28 show on the right part of github to depend the packages that depend on this
35:34 one oh it doesn't show here okay never mind but it's been used in over
35:40 40 something other projects so it's battle tested yeah it's um it's it's really stellar
35:47 what what's been done in and daniel viladas has built most of these himself from scratch so i want to highlight his
35:54 stuff and daniel do you want to kind of walk us through this and tell me what to what to do i mean what you've got
35:59 sure so um can someone also throw in an uh overview of what is stencil or
36:07 what uh stencil yeah one term i don't know so stencil is not a framework it's a build tool in order
36:14 to generate standard compliant web components so there's no framework there's no run time with this right it's
36:21 a helper to get you started quicker on building
36:26 components which was all of my talk at summit so if you were there and you want to rewatch the
36:34 the presentation i actually go through building the first component on this
36:39 demo page in details yeah but you don't need stencil if
36:45 you're going to consume them you could put this into an html module and it would work anywhere where you can put an
36:51 html element which is pretty cool so these are examples that he has put
36:57 together of actually using them so really this is just html out here this is just using these components it's a
37:03 static site it doesn't depend on dnn the goal of making dnn
37:11 named ones is that they would consume a set of css variables that eventually in
37:16 dnn will be customizable so you can actually brand having a couple of primary secondary
37:22 callers and all the ui elements if you use this will
37:28 work with that you know yeah and i'll say two before he gets into it too deeply here is that
37:34 don't focus so much on the look and feel of things you know stuff because this is this is bare bones and it's right these
37:41 are functional elements yeah yeah exactly so you can actually do whatever you want
37:46 to with them you know and make them look certain way and they'll evolve in their base look over time as well but
37:52 you know that's easy way to get distracted when you look at these at the beginning it's like it's like well that's ugly i wouldn't want to use that
37:58 or whatever you know i mean or maybe you think it's great so one one example of that is like right now
38:04 they have a three pixels rounding but it's a variable so if you decide you want your things square you can set that
38:11 css variable to zero and not only the button but all the ui elements they're not going to look square you know if you
38:17 want them hugely rounded you can just change that css variable same for the branding colors right so if
38:24 you want green or purple or pink then it's going to affect all the controls so everything is going to
38:30 look in harmony you know when you get there there you go so see the controls radius
38:37 if you change that to i don't know 15 or to zero it just affects everything
38:45 well maybe not the check boxes those are square all right i just realized i was muted
38:51 yeah every every button is changing as i'm changing that that that radius there you'll see
38:56 all these are changing same if your branding colors are different you can just go change the tnn
39:02 color primary to purple or whatever you feel and it's going to affect all the controls
39:08 and that's true wherever you consume this so that could be in a team that could be in a module that could be in
39:14 dnn owns controls that's the goal of the project
39:20 yeah so i know you probably don't want to spend a ton of time here but you can just see that there's button you can you
39:26 know button element there's a checkbox element that has the checkbox kind of
39:31 feature with labels you got modal experiences here you've got
39:37 all this and this is all pure you know pure html javascript and css
39:43 not even jquery or anything so there's the models you see the check boxes i can run you to what's different
39:50 than regular controls quickly on the check boxes we have a three state check box the second column so that's pretty
39:56 cool because there's no html element that does this out of the box it could be used anywhere
40:02 the models like you said though they don't rely on any framework then we have the collapsibles which are
40:09 nestable so very very quickly without writing a single line of code you just wrap dnn collapsibles and they're gonna
40:16 update with their contents automatically either you expand or collapse them
40:21 they're just gonna update the animation is a bit slow here but uh then we have more of a
40:29 they don't do anything special except the bounce the typing and having a style of a search box
40:35 but you just put a dnn search box there you don't have to mess with icons you don't have to mess with the behavior of
40:40 clearing what's there super simple uh the color pickers these exist in most
40:48 browsers but not all the browsers and they all look very different from browser to browser so now here we have a
40:55 color picker that's actually the same no matter what device you're on and that's going to be used by the way
41:02 in the persona bar as the way to customize those colors so a
41:07 a host or an admin or depending what we decide to go with uh permissions for this could without knowledge of css just
41:14 go customize the branding colors and notice i'm moving this without my
41:20 cursor i'm actually using the keyboard uh to to move this so that's true for all the controls
41:27 they're all usable without a mouse so daniel i've got a question um
41:33 these aren't reliant on dnn either no uh the only thing that's specific to
41:39 dnn are the css variables right there they're named dnn you could take this and do whatever on a non-dnn project
41:46 they would still work until we get into connected components
41:51 and so to use this you couldn't just go to create a html
41:58 pane on a page and put one of these in without um you basically you have to
42:04 create your own extension uh for now yes when this gets into dnn it's
42:10 gonna just be available it's gonna be ambient okay and then what happens if you go
42:16 into edit mode do you have the ability to um change settings or
42:21 make other changes that the user wouldn't see well these are just
42:28 html elements so if you want to have a different behavior logged in or not that's going to be your implementation
42:34 so an example if you were using the quick edit features or something like that and you wanted to build your own
42:39 with these web components then you can do that okay so it's really whatever you
42:45 want to do you can think of this like like a paragraph element like a html button
42:52 element it's just they they get styled by the ambient dnn variables and they have a bit of a different behavior than
42:59 the stock elements
43:05 sorry i had to reload there my camera was jittering a little bit
43:11 yep so you got your check buttons disabled you know uh toggle i'm sorry toggles
43:16 uh drawing you see the green here is not in the theme colors so every single element you can also customize the color
43:22 if you don't want it to take the global ones
43:28 you'll notice that these are using most of them are using the shadow dom which is you know just a way to
43:35 encapsulate its features and usability so you can't
43:40 do you know everything's encapsulated so including its style and so forth but that doesn't mean you can't change its
43:47 styling necessarily it's just that you can only do what the component allows you to do
43:52 you know either through a property or through um some state variable or something that you set with it or so
43:59 forth so which is awesome to prevent like a team to break your module because
44:05 you have the same css classes so it's it's isolated from the ambient normal css and you have to you can just
44:13 customize the variables made available for it
44:18 so this one here has you know a particular class on it that allows you to style
44:26 those css variables that are used inside of the the component itself
44:33 um a drop zone where being able to drop a file and you know upload that or take
44:39 a picture um i won't show the take a picture uh functionality because i would have turned off well i guess i could
44:45 turn off my camera and show you let's see i'll do that and then i'm going to allow it because
44:51 this is a browser feature uh this native in the browser and there's my video
45:00 wow this one yeah that's really big i need to get yeah i just noticed that my webcam doesn't give such a big image so
45:08 yeah that would be something to fix yep it's probably my uh yeah it's huge
45:14 you have such a great camera david
45:21 the quality of the picture is excellent yeah so yeah that's something i need to fix
45:28 to put a maximum width because uh yeah that's unusable that way david let us know if you want us to
45:33 diagnose that skin condition oh man
45:40 that's what that's what you get for trying to do something uh not that second one that second one is
45:46 very fun because this one you can take a picture or upload a picture it doesn't touch the server it's in the
45:52 browser and you can crop it and you can give the component the final size that
45:58 you want as its properties and it's going to actually crop and resize the picture to what you
46:05 want to upload in the browser so the big picture now doesn't even touch the server
46:12 yeah i need to make this with the maximum width because the button is going to be well actually i don't have a
46:17 button here but in your implementation you would put a button and that would crop and upload just what you selected
46:23 here with compression in the browser that you can adjust also
46:30 pretty powerful that's phenomenal to see
46:35 we've actually used this in custom modules quite a bit already
46:41 especially daniel i've done a lot of these being able to do it
46:47 some some tab functionality this one's really fun an actual tree
46:52 view and this was a huge one this was a recent one and i and i'll i'll mention this because this is uh
47:02 it's a cool component very complicated but
47:07 this was actually a result of a client
47:12 of somebody in the community of mitch sellers and iowa computer gurus they
47:17 actually needed something for their project they weren't even thinking about web
47:23 components and we were able to turn that into a sponsored
47:30 improvement to this project which could then in turn be used in that custom
47:35 project you know i'm just bringing light to this because like this stuff can happen like
47:40 if you have a need for something you know if your client has a need for something be thinking about it
47:46 um you know sponsorship because the reason that works so well is a lot of times you know i mean different people
47:52 have different models for you know sponsored improvements but i know for stuff like this we would typically
47:59 charge half of what we would normally charge because it's going to help the open source project as well as those of
48:05 us that are already using it right so just charging the client half of what the normal rate would be is really nice
48:11 savings for them and it's helping the community so this kind of thing can really really help
48:18 on a side note about the tree view component this was the main missing block in order to replace telerik in the
48:25 faq model so because there was been a contribution here now we can take this and i'll soon
48:32 be touching again the faq module uh that was my main blocker that would have taken a lot of hours to do
48:39 for free so if since someone sponsored this everybody benefit benefits from it
48:46 it's kind of cool because you don't see those kind of or hear much about those kind of conversations that are out there
48:52 but this is the kind of mentality that we can have as as developers or integrators to be thinking
48:59 okay is this an opportunity for sponsorship here because like everybody wins in a sponsorship you know situation
49:06 developer gets a little encouragement monetarily to do something sure it doesn't pay the standard rate or
49:12 whatever but it's like they want to do it anyways you know so it's a great opportunity for the client for the
49:18 developer for the community at large as long as it's something multi-purpose the developer gains from having it you
49:25 know yeah so um kind of take a mental impression
49:32 of these two components because we're going to circle back to those in just a minute well and this one as well yeah so
49:38 we're going to circle back that into a minute but this one is a kind of a split view type component where you can have something
49:44 on the left and something on the right and collapse or also if you just click the button
49:52 and do that and then this is kind of your foundation for building a toolbar you know or something
49:58 like that so uh we'll circle back that so to show the toolbar you would have to
50:04 resize it smaller than the button it contains
50:10 and when you're gonna get to a certain size well what doesn't fit will get into a more menu
50:16 and if you expand it it gets out of there i i was going to ask because i noticed
50:22 that one of the labels on this project was called the dnn vertical overflow menu and i thought that was both an
50:28 exceptionally specific title but also something i didn't recognize so i was going to ask
50:34 about that yeah so there is your overflow menu right here right yes
50:40 it'll automatically inject take those out of the main you
50:46 know view so this is a great solution for responsive toolbars you know being able to pull them right
50:52 back out of that contextual more you know even for a even for the website menu because what
50:59 you put here could be anything so even for the website menu this could be used now one thing that's super interesting
51:05 if you're using bootstrap or just css you have to rely on the viewport size
51:11 well in here it's about the component size so it's going to be responsive to the
51:17 component no matter how wide your pages so if this is a block of content
51:23 that occupies half the screen it still works responsibly
51:29 and you know one of the things in like frameworks and stuff you know you know you change the
51:35 size of something you find out you have to refresh in order to get it to behave properly well you don't have those kind of things
51:42 usually with this because everything is responding to the dom like
51:47 natively close to the metal i don't know if i'm wording that just right but you don't end up with some of
51:54 those weird idiosyncrasies that you do with some frameworks when you're depending on that for responsive
51:59 behavior okay so that that took a little bit longer than i anticipated but i think it
52:05 was work time well spent because it it brings to light you know both
52:11 sponsorship capability you know opportunities and just kind of having that menthol mentality
52:17 as well as just you know thinking of things more in a component fashion so you can probably already see how a lot
52:22 of this stuff could be used to start replacing some of those things in in dnn already and that's the more
52:29 long-term plan for version 10 of dnn
52:34 okay so the next project is is may feel like it's completely different
52:40 you may have heard us talk a little bit about it so i won't spend a lot of time on it but this is the dnn structure
52:46 content initiative that's this could potentially make its way into
52:52 dnn at some point once it gets to to that point a lot of the
52:58 foundation has been laid already with this project and it's it's a structure content solution that is
53:05 actually different from any other structured content solution out there right now that we have in this community
53:11 it's architected differently it's really clean really easy to understand and wrap your head around
53:18 and now it's in the stage of well the foundation's been laid the front end was initially built
53:26 well actually this whole solution was initially built by jay mathis which many of you know in the community it was kind
53:32 of a he he went on a kick about structured content he did a bunch of research in a
53:37 bunch of different uh communities not just dnn and looked at different structure content solutions what were
53:44 the pros and cons of various things they did and he circled back to this architecture and it was really quite
53:51 solid it was really brilliantly put together the foundation was really solid and
53:57 that was presented to the technology team for dnn and long story short it kind of became a mini project or a
54:03 special project if you will to where now let's start looking at what it would
54:08 take to to take the prototype and i'll call it a prototype because it really was kind of
54:14 fleshing out the ideas and the the that jay had in some of his learnings from his findings
54:20 and really try to refine that to a point to where it could potentially be incorporated into dna as
54:27 a first class citizen you know an option within dnn to really be able to do structure content out of the box
54:33 so it's at the point where the back end and stuff is really solid at this point but the front end was built
54:39 in angularjs by angularjs i don't mean angular i really mean the very first version of
54:46 angular which is quite old we're at angular 13 now just to give you a point of reference
54:53 angular 1 which is angularjs was a complete paradigm shift from angular 1 to angular
55:00 2 it was a complete rewrite so it's almost like it was a different thing altogether
55:05 used access what he knows that's what it was comfortable him he could really flesh things out very quickly in the ui
55:12 so the reason that this relates to the dnn elements project and the greater
55:17 kind of goal of this is we're at the stage of now defining what components we might would need in order to replace
55:24 those angular js i'll use the word components not really
55:29 components but more directives in that language um try to replace some
55:35 of those with these dnn elements and rebuild this ui using those web components so that's
55:42 kind of where this project is is at so again we're excited because the the
55:48 it may look like it stalled for a while and it kind of did sort of but it wasn't really stalled it was just really
55:54 getting some of these more elements ready you know for it so that we could start using it and start
56:00 defining what we need specifically for this so that's really the next phase of this one so you might want to keep an eye out
56:07 on this one be sure to star these projects out there because that really kind of helps with the visibility on github
56:13 as well as you might want to watch some of these so that you get notified whenever there's changes and stuff going
56:19 on with it david who's working on on that project yeah i probably failed to mention that
56:26 didn't i so jay mathis was was the kind of the original uh person on this and he's still very
56:32 much involved and he's done a lot of the the back end changes that needed to be made to really kind of hone in on the
56:39 security and stuff like that daniel vladis helped a lot with those changes on on all that
56:45 i've been working on it some but i'm going to try to shift more towards the front end of this because i know angularjs and
56:53 trying to help bridge the gap there a little bit and daniel is very versed in building front-ends using the web
56:59 components as well so we'll probably tag team a lot of that kind of kind of effort
57:04 that'll be a learning point for for jay in this too so that's another benefit of these collaborative efforts is a lot of
57:11 times we'll get on co-coding sessions you know and you can't help but to learn
57:16 you know a great deal about some of this so anytime anybody wants to join in and learn some of these things that we're
57:22 doing feel free you know sometimes it's uh slow moving but
57:27 that's enough that's why i asked is i've been spending a fair amount of time the last year
57:33 learning angular and uh so i may be able to help i don't know
57:39 but okay you can go offline with that yeah the the whole thing is built in
57:44 angularjs you know right now the front end so this folder here with the app
57:51 folder is the angularjs you know front-end app of this but um
57:57 we'll be replacing all of this with pure web components and typescript and
58:04 using the web api in the backend end's already basically done there's a
58:09 little bit of work here and there they'll probably be refined over time but it's pretty much done so it's really
58:14 just rebuilding the ui so that brings us to
58:20 an incredibly exciting project that recently launched actually
58:26 it's been talked about for a long time and people have expressed frustration
58:31 about it and there was a miniature effort to help us with the initiative to get telerik
58:40 removal as an option in dnn what i'm talking about is the file
58:45 manager or resource manager that's in dnn so just a quick history
58:52 lesson in that is that the the old file manager was heavily
58:57 telerik based and that was preventing us from being able to have an option of removing
59:05 telrick in dnns so a new file manager had to be built
59:10 we looked at a lot of different options for that and ultimately the ending corp
59:16 um donated i guess you could say a
59:23 a project um for a starting point starting point
59:29 yeah it was a starting point it really wasn't functional fully at that point so
59:35 a lot of work had to go into just getting it to work
59:41 you know and do the base amount of things that
59:46 could do so that effort happened it was not a perfect little project and
59:54 none of us want to touch that project anymore because
1:00:00 you know we know there's problems in there but the amount of time and effort it took just to get it to the state that
1:00:06 it's in right now was was ridiculous um it really should not be that hard to to
1:00:11 work with a project but it really was so that's why things haven't really been improved we all know there needs to be a
1:00:18 list view we all know there's some deficiency in some of the features uh there it's just not as simple as it
1:00:24 would that now jeremy you could probably attest to this because you rolled up your sleeves
1:00:29 and decided to go in and see what you could do within within that context do you have
1:00:35 any commentary on this i spent a weekend on it with daniel's
1:00:42 health and a lot of learning and stuff and honestly the biggest roadblock of all for me was just
1:00:49 the ancient version of redux and and also i i personally have a ocd
1:00:57 problem there were so many dependencies that were four plus years out of date it
1:01:03 was just an obstruction to working productively so i mean that's one aspect to it and
1:01:09 then the way things were constructed was also triggering me
1:01:15 like i don't know if you or daniel remember but i was completely wigged out by the hard-coded
1:01:20 pathing to the existing react components
1:01:26 um inside the dnn project i mean they weren't even pulled in in a
1:01:31 in a valid way you literally just suddenly had a checkbox
1:01:38 taft up four folders down three more folders and yanking a
1:01:43 jsx or a tsx file into the generated part of the project
1:01:48 and i'm like what the heck just happened and it was it was nuts so anyhow
1:01:54 um i'm probably already off topic from what you asked me but it was an interesting nightmare to play
1:02:01 with and i feel like i got pretty far but two weeks later i uh
1:02:08 imploded my development machine so [Laughter] yeah you know
1:02:15 the part of that project that is not so difficult is really the things that you know is old school dnn here you know
1:02:22 with the web api stuff and the the the web forms controls and things like that it's really when you get into the front
1:02:28 end project itself that things start to go awry um when it's built i never had a problem
1:02:35 with the back end part the front end part though was a contraption to say the least
1:02:42 yeah and this is uh this is actually a decent example of the way most of the
1:02:47 persona bar modules are done as well so this is not a new
1:02:53 finding you know from us this is not just the the bastardized project you know that's over
1:02:59 here that's not easy to work with no actually most of the persona bar modules are like this as
1:03:04 well and redux brings in you know a level of complexity that is just kind
1:03:11 of hard so anyways without be laboring too much into that you know all the requests and stuff for improvements in
1:03:17 here are not trivial to to make and jeremy actually kind of started this because like in in one way
1:03:24 because he was willing to jump in and try to fix some of the ux issues and some of the things like that you know
1:03:29 and try to take a stab at it and you know you could look at it as that
1:03:35 was wasted effort or whatever because it never was drawn to completion but i don't like to look at it that way
1:03:41 because it was a learning experience for one but it was also too something to
1:03:46 motivate others to really be be involved in this anyways i'm kind of drawing this out a little bit
1:03:53 i'd like to take credit for being the key early complainer when the project came around
1:03:59 and you know that's important to do that because like we all as users of
1:04:04 this amazing platform need our voices to be heard you know of what what are the pain points you know and things that are
1:04:11 needed in here because you just never know you know who is able and willing to do a certain
1:04:18 aspect of it so it it's good it's all good in that regard
1:04:23 so let me bring up what happened at dnn summit um we were pretty close to the
1:04:29 end of the to the event and we were doing the closing session
1:04:36 kind of a q a panel and mitch sellers kind of dropped a gauntlet a bit and
1:04:42 said listen i'll throw out two thousand dollars to anybody that's willing to work on this problem right
1:04:49 i mean that's two thousand dollars right it's not can you really rebuild this thing you
1:04:55 know from scratch for two thousand dollars no there's there's no way um that's not enough you know because it's
1:05:01 gonna be more time involved than that but okay that's different than buying somebody a coffee right
1:05:09 or five cups of coffee that was a serious plea for help you know from anybody that
1:05:17 was willing and interested and had time you know to to do something like this so
1:05:22 that actually sparked um a conversation and eventually a
1:05:28 project a mini project has been formed uh to really start this effort and it's
1:05:34 kind of back to that model that i was talking about earlier when when there's opportunities for sponsorship
1:05:41 maybe you don't have the money to pay for the whole freaking thing you know but sometimes a little motivation i mean two
1:05:47 thousand dollars might sound like a lot but let's just work that out in hours wise let's say you make 150 bucks an
1:05:52 hour well you can do the math that's probably not enough to cover what it's going to cost you know in time to
1:05:58 actually develop something like this but it's a huge motivator so it's an opportunity to
1:06:04 to kind of split the difference with some things and and you know mitch i'm sure would probably go and talk to a few
1:06:10 of his clients that have been asking for this kind of thing and be able to get contributions from them on this as well
1:06:16 so it was a great catalyst to be able to start this effort daniel vilatis has
1:06:22 started putting together and this is a a design rendering if you will of this
1:06:28 enfigma of a new from scratch file manager or resource manager
1:06:35 whatever you want to look at it and daniel i don't want to steal your thunder on this at all if you want to
1:06:41 explain some of the stuff that you're you were thinking about with this and kind of what the inspiration was behind
1:06:47 this but to just connect the dots here this would all be you're probably
1:06:53 recognizing a few things you know that were in the dna elements well guess what this will be built using
1:07:01 okay take it away daniel yeah so exactly that so on the top bar there will be the dnn
1:07:08 search box which is already built on the left we're gonna have the tree view which is already built
1:07:13 on the gray menu where with the icons that's going to be the overflow menu which is already built so we already
1:07:20 have all the lego pieces right and
1:07:25 the back end of the the module that we have now is fine
1:07:31 so the job here is just to hook this all up together and use those components and it's going to
1:07:37 be a new battle test for them and if you go to the second image there well we're
1:07:43 gonna see that depending on how many items are selected right so if you have one item selected
1:07:50 the current implementation the previous implementation was based on having a mouse right so you would have
1:07:57 to right click on items to do stuff so you couldn't do any file management on mobile
1:08:02 the one that we have now you could but it's not made for mobile and the persona bar doesn't show on some break
1:08:09 points and stuff and the mouse was totally forgotten right so
1:08:14 it's a bit clunky now because you can't right click on items and have a context menu there's no reason you can have both
1:08:20 right so on this new iteration if you have a mouse you can right click an item you
1:08:26 have a context menu everything in the context menu is also on the top icons
1:08:32 and the files have a way to to select one or multiple files so if the items
1:08:39 don't all fit on the top bar we have our overflow menu and if we
1:08:44 have more than one file selected which is the third slide there
1:08:49 then you have less options and it fits in the menu but we can do batches of things right you want to
1:08:55 delete 10 files you can pick them and delete them or move them and uh we're going to also add probably
1:09:02 drag and drop here maybe not that this the first iteration but there's no reason you can pick three files and drag
1:09:09 them over a folder and invoke the the move action or the copy action or ask the user what you
1:09:15 want to do you want to copy your moves right so that's kind of the the mock-up and
1:09:22 the left bar will be adjustable so if you need if you have long folder names
1:09:27 you want to see more you can expand it if you don't you can have it smaller you can also dock it completely if you want
1:09:33 to have more real state for the actual files so that's the overall concept inspired a
1:09:40 little bit by various existing file management
1:09:45 like onedrive and dropbox and like trying to take what's uh best of all those and make our own
1:09:54 that's pretty exciting right i mean being able to see something like this evolve so quickly i mean daniel i know
1:10:00 you're a beast you know but you were able to put together this mock-up
1:10:05 sitting there watching him put together some of the things you know i mean he put it together really quickly you know on this uh because of the inspiration
1:10:14 uh to be able to do some you know something like this from a project standpoint to be able to leverage web
1:10:19 components in a more robust way and usable way but also you know just and to also drive improvement of those web
1:10:26 components through need and use that will then once they're used more encourage others to use them more this
1:10:32 is like a self-feeding growth improvement exactly
1:10:38 so we notice a bug with one of the components and we fix that everybody benefits from that so
1:10:46 yes i mean there's there's it's pretty cool i mean we're stoked about it it's going to be a lot of freaking work right
1:10:53 you know but i i mean it would be able to keep up with daniel i mean he's been going so
1:10:58 fast on this and he's already kind of built a couple of new components like um remember i told you to keep a few of
1:11:05 these in mind but you know looking back over here at these you will see well there's your tree view stuff
1:11:12 you know that's got to be used in this with maybe some advanced features at some point being able to to do some
1:11:18 you know actions that are on folders and things like that this split bar view well there's there's
1:11:25 your you know tree view over on the left and your files on the right you'll be able to collapse and expand
1:11:31 um your overflow systems are really really cool how all
1:11:36 this comes together you know and a lot of times it takes an actual project that's more of a solution or an
1:11:43 application to inspire the underlying building blocks for that in in the web components
1:11:49 but what do we need next we've been talking about web components for how long now i mean really ever since the
1:11:55 inception and a lot of times i know when i've presented on the web components at the southern fried or some
1:12:02 other thing you know a lot of times i'll get a glossed over look like what are you what are you talking about yeah i hear what you're saying but i just don't
1:12:08 get it and it's it's not complicated but the problem is without seeing it in a in
1:12:13 an actual application right it's really hard to connect the pieces but they're just building blocks
1:12:19 but they're done in such a way that we don't have to pull in some external third-party library or framework to to
1:12:25 do so it's all baked right into the to the html standard
1:12:31 so very very cool stuff um ryan i know you were going to mention something too about the
1:12:37 um a recent experience of yours and sponsorship so probably a good time to to chime in on that i'll stop sharing
1:12:45 this going or if you want me to pull up anything um you know uh give me two seconds and
1:12:50 i'll bring up a screen or two on that and uh and that'll be a good segue to to
1:12:56 finish out let me just bring this one up i have a
1:13:02 quick question about webcam the dnn elements if you don't mind oh
1:13:09 yeah sure you're muted there jeremy
1:13:18 talking just a second ago jeremy we can't hear you there we go sorry about that um so
1:13:24 is is dnn elements written in a way that you can use it outside of dnn can you just use it anywhere
1:13:31 currently yes because none of the components are tied into dnn apis or
1:13:36 whatever they just um consume dnn named css variables at some point
1:13:44 when we get into file management when we get into a permission grid or something
1:13:49 there will be a set of dnn connected components so those are made really just for dnn
1:13:56 and i plan on having those named differently like dnn connected
1:14:01 something something or dnnc dash something something those ones you cannot use them
1:14:07 standalone because they they rely on a dnn api in the backend their behavior right
1:14:13 if you wanted to add or make new ones or is it just like take one of the existing ones and copy and paste or is there some
1:14:21 kind of generator to scaffold everything out properly so it depends what you want to do i mean
1:14:28 that the project is open source if you want to build a component
1:14:33 can consume other components so one of the interesting one is the dnn
1:14:39 button with a confirm so the confirm fires up a dialog and the dialog has
1:14:44 buttons so the button one consumes the dialog one and the dialog one consumes
1:14:50 the button one and it all just works so you can wrap them and have some
1:14:55 inheritance and uh if you want to have something that's completely different you can copy
1:15:00 it too yeah but uh were you at um
1:15:05 summit did you register for summit yeah so i recommend you watch my presentation
1:15:12 about web components because i actually build the dnn button here live so you have a good clue of how it works
1:15:19 and you just don't have to set up you just clone this and go on with your lives just skip the setup part
1:15:28 all right the video is queued up thank you awesome so you see uh david is showing it here so the dnn
1:15:34 uh you are on the dnn button so the dnn button consumes the dnn model and the
1:15:40 dnn model has dnn buttons inside of it or just reuse reviews we use
1:15:46 yeah i think what one way to answer your question jeremy is a lot of times you know because you're working bare to you
1:15:53 know close to the metal here it's just kind of philosophically how you approach with a component ground up
1:16:00 is usually the best unless you're going to be leveraging other components in building a new component
1:16:07 um yeah just kind of from the scratch i mean that stencil offers a lot of tooling
1:16:13 as it relates to building these web components so there's some things that are that are scaffold if you will um
1:16:21 like being able to have your component you know here your imports set up your slot well no that's something special
1:16:28 there but documentation last set up but i mean you can see from this there's
1:16:33 this may look daunting but there's really not much to it you know you've got a props you know all your people
1:16:38 yeah no i've actually um i've actually built a few web components already so i get the whole thing what i
1:16:44 was wondering about is is there more to the scaffolding than just what you see inside the
1:16:51 source directory for the element for the component no not much and if you are familiar in the react world which you are
1:16:58 a lot of the syntax used here is inspired by react and modern angular
1:17:04 so someone who comes from this world into this there is a lot of similarities but you don't have a
1:17:10 a runtime library under you but a lot of things got inspired you have jsx
1:17:17 you have like the props and the state every time you change a proper estate that triggers a rerender
1:17:24 there's a way to have a state tunnel there's nothing here for it because we don't have a global state you know every
1:17:30 component just has its own state but uh as you'll see in the file manager we'll have a global
1:17:37 state and it's really really not as complex as
1:17:42 redux it's way simpler okay looking forward to it thank you yep
1:17:49 and ping me up anytime if you want to hang out and work together because i'm going to be working on the file manager
1:17:55 a couple hours per week for the next following weeks so uh happy to hang out
1:18:00 and uh work together and he really doesn't mean a couple i don't i'm looking forward to it because
1:18:06 here's my new development machine see it's that nice nice nice
1:18:13 i don't even comprehend what that is
1:18:18 that's a i5 32 gig of ram uh terabyte hard drive
1:18:27 it's a nook he's gonna take it pretty massive computer
1:18:36 not even all in one tiny unit like an old uh oqo
1:18:41 was back from the day um so david i can share screen i'll bring this up
1:18:53 i don't know if it's uh like it is here at your house i know you're right up the street there ryan but the wind is going
1:18:59 crazy i'm surprised we haven't lost it yeah um you know we
1:19:05 we had what um 40 degrees and 30 degrees just a day or two ago today was 70 and
1:19:11 then tomorrow's gonna be 30 something degrees so i i'm expecting tornadoes and little dogs flying by the window and
1:19:18 everything yeah if ryan and i disappear all of a sudden you'll know why the wind just possible
1:19:25 um david you may need to stop screen sharing so i can call in screen share here we go i did stop screen sharing
1:19:31 yeah yep yep i see now so um to kind of tie into what david was
1:19:37 saying here um there were a few different conversations that talked about sponsorship and things that you
1:19:43 can do in the dnn community to make things happen um it's not just about being a developer to
1:19:50 get in there and work on the code it's fantastic if daniel and jeremy and david are able to get in there and
1:19:57 make edits and changes and start working on making things better because they have the time and the knowledge and the
1:20:02 ability but um you know my good buddy pete good
1:20:08 mark myself several other people who are dna integrators we can still participate we
1:20:14 can still be uh you know helping this move forward by supporting it and so one of the
1:20:21 things that we talked about at cnn summits both in sessions and i spoke about for a few
1:20:27 minutes in the keynote was the concept of how easy it is now especially with
1:20:32 the new sponsor feature of github to be able to sponsor someone give them
1:20:38 that cup of coffee to help boost them that afternoon or look into doing some either one time a
1:20:45 one-off support payments or regular monthly payments so
1:20:50 i thought i'd re-share some of those screens here this was part of the conversation where
1:20:55 we were talking about all of the different dnn version releases and where we could use some help doing testing because as those
1:21:03 uh beta releases are available they need testing within real fleshed out dna
1:21:08 instances and uh that's you know definitely a place where people can help um but uh you know as part of the point
1:21:14 of this slide talked about how there were uh you know 27 pull requests in a
1:21:19 particular release this was 9.91 um by nine contributors so it's not a
1:21:25 tremendous amount of different people involved but when you take a look at it in github
1:21:30 you can go see who those people were and through the new features that are here in
1:21:36 github you can very easily sponsor those those developers so you know here on
1:21:43 screen i was showing that uh you know i hadn't sponsored which sellers yet i thought i can't believe i haven't
1:21:49 sponsored him yet let me let me go and do this so that was part of the presentation was this is how easy this
1:21:55 is if you've participated in uh kickstarter or you've put something
1:22:00 into patreon or something you've done exactly the same amount of complexity as it takes to to get this done so going to
1:22:07 mitch seller's developer page you can take a look at the different tiers or the different elements that are
1:22:12 available and it can be as simple as saying you want to submit or contribute five dollars a month or 25 a month but
1:22:19 it doesn't have to be a an ongoing regular commitment that's wonderful if it can be
1:22:26 from a business standpoint i think how much the efforts that people are doing make a difference
1:22:33 from my business can i look at it like you know buying an inexpensive module or two and like can i put in 50 bucks a
1:22:39 month or 100 bucks a month yeah yeah i absolutely can especially with all of the help that we've been
1:22:44 getting that's not a lot individually but if 10 of us 20 or 50 of us did that
1:22:50 it would make a big difference to help support these these developers who are doing this uh on the regular but it also
1:22:56 can be a one-time contribution so you can come in and click that one time button and make a contribution where you
1:23:02 are then supporting you know one at a time uh so that uh you know led to me making
1:23:09 a small sponsorship of daniel um because he's definitely helped out with a lot of the core
1:23:16 dnn modules those older kind of left out in the cold modules that we still use
1:23:21 from back in the day that iframe module man good grief still have that stuck onto a bunch of
1:23:27 websites no matter how easy it is to make an iframe i need a user to be able to edit it i better put in that iframe module um so
1:23:35 uh there's a lot of modules that are out there like that and we got to talking about things that are holding up
1:23:41 individual dnn instances from removing telerik all the way and one of the ones that came up in a
1:23:46 conversation was the faq module i said hey wait a minute i have several clients with that faq module i would absolutely
1:23:53 love to remove telerik from those dna instances um how about daniel we uh we
1:23:58 pitch in and help make that happen so i suggested that i could um jump in and make a small sponsorship for that um and
1:24:06 contribute to that and i encouraged other people okay here is daniel's page on github
1:24:12 can we all pitch in and uh you know give a little bit to help make these projects happen
1:24:17 the faq module is small potatoes compared to something as important and
1:24:23 impacting as the file manager so i think that
1:24:29 it would be a wonderful thing if after dnn summit and after you know meetups like this
1:24:34 we were to get two or three new people every week to start pitching in and supporting
1:24:40 these developers who are making a big difference to the dna platform on an ongoing basis
1:24:47 there we go that was the soapbox for 10 minutes yeah and to kind of bring that full
1:24:53 circle back around to the faq module for those that don't know is the reason that one has not been updated
1:25:01 is because it is so tightly tied to tell rick it is
1:25:07 massively using telrick so it's one of those that has to be rewritten really is the best path
1:25:14 forward for it so to connect the dots a little bit more the dnn elements project is going to be
1:25:20 able to need this because guess what we need some of those components to be able to do these things
1:25:26 so it's amazing how it all kind of works together um some of those expand and collapse exactly right so the
1:25:32 collapsible and the tree view they're 90 of this module and they're built so now it's just like
1:25:38 throwing out the front and then just redoing it the back end is fine so
1:25:45 and daniel tried to look at this you know and finally determined that
1:25:50 yeah that this thing needs to be rebuilt you know but it needs to be done in such a way though that people can actually
1:25:57 upgrade from older versions so it still needs to keep the you know the parity of the the the back end especially on this
1:26:05 the intent of the use of the back end elements yeah yeah but sort of make things more responsive make it based on the web
1:26:13 components and dna elements that'd be fantastic yes this would be a good example project
1:26:18 as that progresses to be able to see how that could be used in a standalone module and you know
1:26:25 this will be a good test ground for another concept of web components which is html templates
1:26:33 as you know there's a setting in this module that you can use tokens inside of your
1:26:38 settings to template how the question and answers show up and that uses token replace
1:26:45 so the concept has been there for ages but now there's a standard way of doing html
1:26:51 templates with slots and this would be a good test ground to
1:26:56 use it and to teach people here's the standard way of doing token replace
1:27:04 and anybody any designer doing html will just create slots and those slots will
1:27:10 have a meaning and dnn will inject the elements in those slots not even dnn the front-end component
1:27:17 will inject what belongs where and do copies to do lists and stuff
1:27:26 it's very cool i don't know what kind of timeline we'd be looking at for something like this but you know
1:27:33 it's it's not a trivial project even rebuilding you know this way but it's really cool that people like you ryan
1:27:39 will be able to sponsor you know and and kind of help motivate that along a bit and encourage the people that are
1:27:46 developing on that so if you want to kind of see some example projects of these dnn elements being used this would
1:27:52 be one to watch in the future be sure to star this one and and watch it change
1:27:57 your watch settings on it another one that just recently got started that i've been talking about for at least two
1:28:03 years now but just haven't had time to start doing is the the dnn user voice project which is also
1:28:10 out on dna community there we got the initial module
1:28:16 set up and there and it's building and functional but none of the features have been built out yet so the plan there is
1:28:22 to start using some of the dnn elements to build out that functionality and hopefully that project will
1:28:28 help feed more elements into the dna elements project so it kind of all just starts working really well together and
1:28:36 standard space and less dependencies yay
1:28:42 easier to keep things updated when you're making updates from one place and then um
1:28:47 yes and comes along with it because the only dependency here is a build time dependency
1:28:53 even if there's breaking changes or whatever what was built is built that's not going to break you know
1:28:59 it's really developer tooling only yeah it's really interesting because we've we've had several projects that
1:29:06 are that are that's using this model you know to create these these modules
1:29:11 and when it becomes you know our lovely dependable day we like to call it you know when our dependency alerts come up
1:29:18 and github and we need to go well we don't really dread those days with
1:29:24 modules that are built on web components because it's build time dependencies that it's talking about and usually it's
1:29:30 really just safe just to accept the automated pr from dependable and
1:29:36 let it roll every once in a while we have to test something if it's a major version or you
1:29:41 know some specific thing in a modern version but it usually it's not
1:29:47 all of the build components have it but the ones that are more complex like the color picker
1:29:52 they have ui tests written so basically if if the version bombs
1:30:00 you just merge it if it builds it works because it's tested so you don't have a human clicking and
1:30:06 making sure it expands and this and that the tests are written we don't have it on all the components
1:30:12 it would be awesome but it's obviously very time consuming
1:30:20 i can't help but laugh jeremy just um put my favorite question in the chat
1:30:25 [Laughter]
1:30:31 you're getting ready to start a a debate again yeah that's why i typed it instead of
1:30:37 saying it's a crazy branding thing you know he was asking uh for those that aren't
1:30:42 seeing the chat and watching the playback here what is the correct you know spelling or
1:30:48 variation of d n n is it capital d capital n capital n or is it capital d
1:30:54 lowercase n lowercase n and it's really a branding problem that was caused a
1:31:00 long time ago by the new designers of the dnn logo they actually
1:31:06 put lowercase in the thing that made them the size of the uppercase letter so you know
1:31:14 it's this ongoing debate in the community yeah now we have a debate of what's uppercase because is it just the
1:31:20 height of the letter or is it the shape of the letter that makes it uppercase yeah exactly oh goodness
1:31:33 it's been fun to talk about some of these um things that aren't so you know
1:31:38 laser focused on one thing so it's nice to nice to see the activity in the community and how things are working
1:31:45 together um with those that are developers and those that are not and you know just all kind
1:31:51 of blending together and motivating the other so really cool
1:32:05 what was that cheryl i was saying the dnn elements look really interesting and i've done a little bit with uh reacting
1:32:11 a little bit with angular so i definitely want to get in there and look at the code a little bit more
1:32:16 so one of the points i didn't make with this is that if you are using a
1:32:23 framework for your specific you know use case that's totally okay and you can actually use web components
1:32:30 in that framework as well you don't have to just use angular components or react components you can actually use pure web
1:32:36 components inside of react or inside of an angular project um so yeah because this is standard it's
1:32:43 just html so you're responsible for how you wire that up you know with the
1:32:49 events and so forth and each of those frameworks have their own patterns for doing you know that
1:32:56 that as well so yeah let us know if you need any help once you look in there uh it's a lot of
1:33:03 fun oh sorry i'm my mute was right there on
1:33:09 top of my keyboard while i was typing sorry about that guys and uh stencil actually we're not using
1:33:16 it right now but stencil has in its configuration different output targets so let's say
1:33:23 there is interest on having react components from this it's just
1:33:28 something to put in the config and there will be react components that use the standards one
1:33:35 under the hood but with the react way of doing props and stuff so you don't even have to mess
1:33:40 it up and you just use it as if it was a react component
1:33:46 if there's interest we can add it to the build when did they do that daniel that's that uh
1:33:52 it's been a couple versions so you can have output targets this is the standard one react and
1:34:00 uh going to the docks hold on that's a significant improvement because i mean while you can use standard web
1:34:07 components in those you know like i said each framework has its own way of kind of wiring things up and you would have
1:34:12 to manually do that before but with what daniel's saying it sounds like they're actually outputting with that wiring
1:34:18 kind of there if you want to go on your browser stencil and you click on docs and you're going
1:34:25 to see framework integration on the left menu
1:34:31 i'll have to steal again from uh from ryan here so
1:34:36 you know stencil
1:34:42 and docs and then on the left framework integration
1:34:48 so just in the in the config let's say we go with the react one or
1:34:54 any one of those let's take reactors it's very popular so you can just turn on the react
1:34:59 target on the build config file and you will have a folder for react on top of
1:35:04 the on well as a subfolder of the the distribution so it's going to do
1:35:09 whatever it takes for this to be used as a react component and the same is available for vue.js
1:35:16 angular amber a lot of popular frameworks they don't have to be custom built for
1:35:22 those frameworks but this is going to handle the framework gotchas automatically so you don't have to deal
1:35:29 with those that is fantastic um and
1:35:35 not that we're doing a deep dive or anything but stencil jake is actually what the folks at ionic
1:35:43 made in order to build the web components for ionic framework that they're that they
1:35:49 use since version four so they're heavily invested in this there's a there's other ways that you can build
1:35:55 web components out there and and those are fine too polymer was
1:36:00 probably the first one that was on the scene with this but stencil js has really become
1:36:06 just about the de facto standard for a lot of people for building low components because it's just so well thought out
1:36:12 and a lot of nice stuff it automatically builds documentation i don't know if you
1:36:18 still have the the replacement story open but if you go to one of the components like the readme
1:36:25 of the folder i didn't write this documentation right it's it's my code auto generates this so
1:36:32 you have automatically a markdown file that tells you what properties it supports what type that
1:36:39 property is what's the default value if you don't specify it is it required
1:36:44 same thing for the events the slots and that just comes from the code i didn't write any of this
1:36:50 and this is new you see the graph here it used to be like not displaying this
1:36:56 way but if you now go to let's say the modal or one of the more complex ones maybe
1:37:01 the image cropper this is cool because github just added this recently
1:37:08 uh the image cropper is uh yeah that you just passed it
1:37:13 the image cropper is more complex even so if you have a more complex scenario if you scroll down you're gonna see the
1:37:20 what depends on what on the components [Music]
1:37:28 and that's generated with the dnn button and
1:37:35 yeah probably yeah yeah it was referencing itself
1:37:42 there we go so you know that if you touch the model right run the model
1:37:48 we know that the dnn image cropper that relies on it so if you have like any thoughts about
1:37:54 breaking changes okay and i need to make sure it works over there very cool
1:38:01 and the links just above that brings you to the markdown of that component so
1:38:06 it's pretty cool
1:38:13 very very cool well ryan you want to close us out on this
1:38:18 yeah i was going to say we kind of have a good natural uh uh wrap up for the meeting tonight and it's
1:38:25 almost 8 30 so it's right on time a good time for us to mention that uh
1:38:30 you know we meet the third thursday of every month and uh that makes it that march the third thursday
1:38:37 is the 17th so that will be the next um meeting of dnn summit we have uh planned
1:38:43 and currently i believe that we have uh helene planned
1:38:48 to come talk with us in march so we're looking forward to that but if david hasn't mentioned in this
1:38:57 uh southern fried instance uh he has mentioned recently we're trying to plan out the year so if you're interested in
1:39:02 coming to speak present content and materials uh we'd love to talk to you and get our our uh schedule for the year
1:39:09 planned out we'll also go fetch some of our favorite speakers and sessions from dnn summit and later from across the
1:39:16 pond and get all those folks to come and talk with us too and present new and exciting information but we're we're
1:39:22 setting up our year schedule now so come talk to us um i think that's it
1:39:27 excited about helene's uh presentation next month because she'll be talking about something that's a lot of people are
1:39:33 using but we've i don't know if we've ever had a session on it but it's about the members directory and the
1:39:39 view profile modules in there and kind of how to how to leverage uh some of that within an
1:39:45 organization built built-in power of dnn that sometimes goes unused yeah
1:39:51 yeah excellent thank you very much everyone who was here with us tonight and thank you for
1:39:57 everyone watching the recap online we will see you next month at southern fried dnn
1:40:03 thanks very much


Southern Fried DNN: FOLLOW-UP to GA4 + DNN Connect 2023 RECAP
Jun 15, 2023

This meetup will serve as a follow-up to last month's recorded-only meetup on Transitioning to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Watch the replay on YouTube HERE and bring your questions/comments. Afterward, we will recap all the wonderful things from DNN Connect 2023. There were so many great takeaways, so you will not want to miss this - there's something for everyone!

Southern Fried DNN: Transitioning to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
May 19, 2023

As many of you know, support for legacy Google Analytics will cease in July 2023. In this meetup, we'll discuss what it takes to make a smooth transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). We'll also cover the various methods for implementation within a DNN instance.

Southern Fried DNN: DNN Summit 2022 Recap + Community Project Highlights
Feb 17, 2022

This month, we'll be recapping DNN Summit 2022 and then we'll take some time to highlight a few exciting community projects. Trust us, they are worth knowing about and getting involved with!

Southern Fried DNN: Sebastian Leupold (Internationalization) & David Poindexter (Web Components...)
Jan 20, 2022

We all keep hearing about web components. We believe they must be cool or something. So, just show me the freakin' secret sauce already. Stop telling me about them and start showing them - in action - in DNN!

Southern Fried DNN: David Poindexter (DNN Strategy) & Daniel Valadas ("I Like Vanilla!")
Jul 15, 2021

Bringing overall strategic direction for the DNN Platform project and coordination between all leadership teams. As the DNN Platform and DNN Community evolves, new ideas and technologies will surface. These are great and it is essential to have a "gatekeeper" funnel to ensure all parties are in the loop, providing feedback, and are contributing to any proposed changes in direction or special project efforts. Learn more about the exciting special projects underway and on the horizon.

Southern Fried DNN: A Web Components DNN Future
Aug 17, 2018

Are you tired of JavaScript Framework Churn? Perhaps some of my latest development efforts will help brighten your day and improve your outlook for future DNN development possibilities. While this project is in the early stages, I am so excited about it and wanted to go ahead and share what I am working on for the DNN community. I believe this contribution will have similar, if not greater, impact to future DNN development as some of my previous open source contributions.

Southern Fried DNN: URL Redirects + What's Next with nvQuickSite + DNN Corp Webinar Post-Game
Sep 22, 2017

Have you ever had to install DNN? Did you do it with nvQuickSite? If you didn’t then you may have taken longer than needed. nvQuickSite is a great tool for installing DNN created by our very own David Poindexter of nvisionative. The DNN Community loves nvQuickSite and uses it all the time to help make installing DNN more efficient.

Southern Fried DNN: JWT in Action with DNN 9 & Ionic
Mar 17, 2017

This will be an exciting walk-through on exactly how to get setup DNN 8 or DNN 9 for authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Once we have have DNN configured properly, we will test using Postman. Then the real fun will begin as we integrate with a mobile app using Ionic. These will provide the fundamental building blocks for you to connect any outside application to a DNN instance using best practices.