In this video, we focus on making quick and easy color changes to match the brand for our custom DNN theme.
This video illustrates the use of Browsersync within nvQuickTheme to live-reload. This significantly increases the local development workflow efficiency.
This video will help with your custom DNN theme project setup using nvQuickTheme.
This video is the first in a series of videos on nvQuickTheme to introduce you to the basics of using nvQuickTheme and getting your local development environment setup.
In this session, we'll be introducing a powerful theme building framework and developer workflow. This "starter solution" was made with developer efficiency and the ultimate DNN theme performance in mind. Most DNN themes in the marketplace today are loaded with bloat, which can make theming a pain, and for someone new to DNN, almost impossible. We will outline basic usage, modification, and advanced usage of this framework and developer workflow. And don't worry if you are new to DNN theme development. We will introduce fundamental theme development in DNN.
Links from this webinar can be found on the blog